SBS - Shell Building Systems
SBS stands for Shell Building Systems
Here you will find, what does SBS stand for in Construction under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shell Building Systems? Shell Building Systems can be abbreviated as SBS What does SBS stand for? SBS stands for Shell Building Systems. What does Shell Building Systems mean?The Construction company falls under building materials category and is located in Moraga, California.
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Alternative definitions of SBS
- Siemens Business Services
- Sick Building Syndrome
- Subscript
- Special Boat Service
- Society for Biomolecular Screening
- Singapore Bus Service
- Smart Battery System
- Scandinavian Broadcasting System
View 310 other definitions of SBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SLGPC Swindle Law Group P.C.
- SBQ Surveyors Board of Queensland
- SMFD Stewart Manor Fire Department
- SCL Summit Corporation Limited
- SU Spotless of Utah
- SAL Swallowtail Architecture LLC
- SL The Sail Lofts
- SMS Smart Media Switzerland
- SLI Surrounding Landscapes Inc
- SIPA Siena International Photo Awards
- SPL Sunnyvale Public Library
- SCSL Sec Compliance Solutions LLC
- SPD Sullivan Police Department
- SFRES San Francisco Real Estate Services
- SPI Sato Pharmaceutical Inc
- SRA Starboard Realty Advisors
- SOP Studio One Pensacola
- SHEC Soule Homestead Education Center
- SIAI Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- SSI Synergy Solutions Inc